Monday, August 23, 2010

Women Authors

All the Sad Young Literary Women

I love the link above, especially the author's positive, can-do attitude at the end and his encouragement to read a variety of literature not only because it's fair but also because it's awesome!


  1. So who are your favorite women authors?

    It's easier with YA books for me. Love Madeline L'Engle. Lois Lowry. Tamora Pierce. Ursula LeGuin. (I'm cheating and looking at my bookshelf.) Robin McKinley used to be a favorite, not sure anymore.

    When I read grown-up books, I like Isabelle Allende and Louise Erdich. I want to like Amy Tan, but never enjoy her quite as much as I think I should. Much prefer Lisa See. Ummm...I'm beginning to blank now. But that's a decent starting list. Right?

  2. Hmmmm...yeah YA books are easier, definitely. And I feel the exact same way about Amy Tan! I really love Sandra Cisneros and Julia Alvarez - that's coming from a Spanish major, obviously...

    Thanks for reading Sarah. :)

  3. I loved Monkey See's post about the article.

  4. I love this article, too! But it also makes my blood pressure rise. A tradeoff...
